The environmental database is designed for storing and using data indirectly or directly related to environmental issues in Kyrgyzstan in order to implement analysis, scientific research and journalistic materials. The database is available at

MoveGreen ecological database includes nine components: 

The database also contains a link to useful publications such as National reports on the state of the environment in the Kyrgyz Republic, an environmental review of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc.

Each component has its own unique parameters, which can be seen by clicking on the component itself. For example, the Biodiversity component has seven parameters, each of which contains up-to-date information with an indication of the data source.

The most data-filled component in the database  is “Air quality”, since  “MoveGreen” has been generating civil monitoring data on air quality since 2017. The “Air quality” parameter also includes data from various sources, such as Kyrgyzhydromet and others. By clicking on the “Air quality” component, you can see the hourly, daily and monthly average indicators of air pollution. When choosing the pollution parameter, the user himself sets the length of time for which he/she needs data. The graphs can also be manipulated by selecting the desired parameters in order to see the correlation and trends of air pollution.

If the user logs in as a guest, he/she is given the opportunity to see the graphs. You can download this data in the form of tables by registering on the Database website. Registration is pretty simple: it requires your first and last name, the organization you work for and the purpose of using data. This step is required to track site statistics and to analyze the demand for data on air quality in Kyrgyzstan.

Air quality data is available for two cities in Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek and Osh. The data for the Air component and all other components are not final and will be filled in and updated upon the receipt of official data from government agencies and private data from NGOs and other organizations.

The data is publicly available, will be updated constantly, and can be used in research on environmental protection, as well as for the creation of professional materials by journalists and researchers with the obligatory mention of the data source and a link to the NGO “MoveGreen”.

The environmental database was developed as part of the “Media Heroes: Building Best Practices in Journalism” project with financial support from the Democratic Commission of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.