MoveGreen created education modules for school children about disaster risk and conducted lessons in 15 schools in rural villages in the Naryn region, in central Kyrgyzstan in February 2016… brrrrr! Our two brave trainers showed videos of disasters and helped children...
MoveGreen began Bishkek’s first school recycling programme with 15 schools and 2 universities in Bishkek. Partnering with a paper recycling company, Aiadana+, MoveGreen made presentations about climate change, recycling, and the life of rubbish. Schools received...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.Сколько же прекрасных уникальных животных обитает в Кыргызстане! Фотоловушки зафиксировали рысь в Ала-Арче. Давайте вместе сохранять и защищать законы, охраняющие животных в нашей стране! В Кыргызском государственном...
In December 2013, MoveGreen volunteers prepared a 10-session environmental education programme for school children, and then presented this to 30 teachers from around Kyrgyzstan at a seminar in Bishkek. Imagine making a 10-session education program on climate change...