Central asian media scholl in Bishkek

Central asian media scholl in Bishkek

Internews is conducting a final session of its regional training the “Environmental Media School: Conflict-Sensitive TV Journalism” for over 20 media professionals and citizen journalists from Central Asia on March 27-30 in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic. The event is...
CLIMADAPT supports Tajikistan’s efforts to tackle climate change

CLIMADAPT supports Tajikistan’s efforts to tackle climate change

Households and businesses to benefit from programme combining finance and innovation Most of us probably “don’t know much about Tajikistan” (to paraphrase a famous song). That’s a mistake. Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic, is a country in Central Asia with...
Kyrgyzstan: Warmer World Raises Avalanche Risk

Kyrgyzstan: Warmer World Raises Avalanche Risk

Vyacheslav Miroshkin’s childhood in Kyrgyzstan three decades ago was characterized by long, cold winters. “You could pour a few buckets of water on the ground and you would have an ice rink for the whole season. In recent times we have not had many like that,” said...
Melting glacier could spell disaster in Kyrgyzstan – experts

Melting glacier could spell disaster in Kyrgyzstan – experts

High in Kyrgyzstan’s Tian Shan Mountains, the twin effects of climate change and gold mining have combined to pose a potential environmental and human health disaster. A melting glacier is feeding a rapidly expanding lake, which experts fear could burst its banks and...
The Paris Effect: How the Paris Agreement is Driving Climate Action

The Paris Effect: How the Paris Agreement is Driving Climate Action

Less than a year after the landmark Paris Agreement was adopted at COP21, the Paris Agreement entered into force. The world has already seen a significant shift towards stronger climate action. The adoption of the Paris Agreement delivered a signal to governments,...
(Русский) Молодежная программа в Норвегии! (полная оплата расходов)

(Русский) Молодежная программа в Норвегии! (полная оплата расходов)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.Дедлайн: 5 марта 2017 года Описание: Программа устойчивого развития (Young Sustainable Impact) представляет собой программу расширения возможностей молодежи для решения проблем обеспечения устойчивости в 21 веке. ...
(Русский) ТОТ для сотрудников МЧС КР в Оше

(Русский) ТОТ для сотрудников МЧС КР в Оше

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. 7,8 и 9 февраля Общественное Объединение “МувГрин” организовали тренинг для 20 сотрудников МЧС Кыргызстана в Оше. Специалисты министерства Чрезвычайных Ситуаций обучились тому, как эффективно работать со СМИ...
(Русский) Интерактивное обучение для МЧС КР (ТОТ)

(Русский) Интерактивное обучение для МЧС КР (ТОТ)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.Мы завершили двухдневный тренинг для тренеров среди сотрудников МЧС Кыргызстана из Бишкека и Чуйской области. Участники научились, как эффективно и интерактивно проводить обучение по стихийным бедствиям (СБ) и...