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Disaster Risk trainings for school children in Naryn Oblast
MoveGreen created education modules for school children about disaster risk and conducted lessons in 15 schools in rural villages in the Naryn region, in central Kyrgyzstan in February 2016… brrrrr! Our two brave trainers showed videos of disasters and helped children...
School Recycling Programme
MoveGreen began Bishkek’s first school recycling programme with 15 schools and 2 universities in Bishkek. Partnering with a paper recycling company, Aiadana+, MoveGreen made presentations about climate change, recycling, and the life of rubbish. Schools received...
Our Projects
Current and past projectsOur Projects
Disaster Risk trainings for school children in Naryn Oblast
MoveGreen created education modules for school children about disaster risk and conducted lessons in 15 schools in rural villages in the Naryn region, in central Kyrgyzstan in February 2016… brrrrr! Our two brave trainers showed videos of disasters and helped children...
School Recycling Programme
MoveGreen began Bishkek’s first school recycling programme with 15 schools and 2 universities in Bishkek. Partnering with a paper recycling company, Aiadana+, MoveGreen made presentations about climate change, recycling, and the life of rubbish. Schools received...
Биздин долбоорлор
текст для замены
Mauris malesuada, velit at maximus maximus, ex sem iaculis mi, quis tempor sem augue ac metus. Praesent vel nulla ut ex mollis vestibulum ac non orci. Vivamus nec vehicula neque. Nunc pretium pharetra ligula, eget fermentum ipsum pulvinar vitae. Aliquam eget lorem et ipsum sollicitudin luctus pretium at lectus. Mauris sit amet ante nec dui lobortis consectetur. Phasellus tempus lorem at tempus euismod. Aliquam vitae pulvinar dui, viverra ornare quam.
Биздин долбоорлор
Disaster Risk trainings for school children in Naryn Oblast
MoveGreen created education modules for school children about disaster risk and conducted lessons in 15 schools in rural villages in the Naryn region, in central Kyrgyzstan in February 2016… brrrrr! Our two brave trainers showed videos of disasters and helped children...
School Recycling Programme
MoveGreen began Bishkek’s first school recycling programme with 15 schools and 2 universities in Bishkek. Partnering with a paper recycling company, Aiadana+, MoveGreen made presentations about climate change, recycling, and the life of rubbish. Schools received...